Groups at St Luke’s Mt Albert
We connect with one another across a number of groups and activities.

Women’s Discussion Group
Second Tuesday of the month
Over many years this wonderful group has found a variety of expressions, committed to the flourishing of women’s lives and spirituality. We meet monthly during the year, on the second Tuesday evening of the month, as well as for an annual retreat. We engage in reflective and robust conversations based on shared books, movies and experiences. All women are welcome to join us – please contact the Administrator to get in touch.

The Sunday Roster
Many members of St Luke’s are involved in bringing our Sunday services to life! We run a monthly roster, including servers in the liturgy, readers, intercessors, ushers, hospitality (our coffee stars!) and so forth. If you’d like to join the team in some way, please contact Clare. Training is provided where needed.

St Luke’s Op Shop
Our Op Shop has now closed for health & safety reasons – no further donations thank you!

Green Shoots
We’re the team who support our children in the liturgy on Sunday mornings! Usually two of us are rostered on each Sunday (except in January). Our role is to welcome children and their families and help them feel at home at St Luke’s. It’s a lot of fun, and also a wonderful way to support the faith formation of our children. Please contact Clare if you’re interested in being involved.

Lenten Dinner Series
Every year in the season before Easter, we take time to prepare our hearts and minds for the celebration of the Resurrection. In recent years this has taken the form of a Tuesday evening dinner eucharist series, with guided reflection each evening on themes such as prayer, hospitality, and community.

Men’s Fellowship
Last Tuesday evening of the month
We meet to enjoy each other’s company and to reflect on our experience of faith; we alternate between gathering at St Luke’s and at Albert’s Post at the corner of Mt Albert and New North Rds. All men are welcome to come along. Please contact the Administrator for further details.

St Luke’s Youth Group
Our new Youth Group for kids in Years 1-8 has met fortnightly through the final term of 2022. Please contact Clare if you’d like to be added to our contact list for updates in the New Year.