News & Views
Here’s what’s happening around St Luke’s, and what we’re looking forward to. If you’d like to be added to our weekly email newsletter list, please drop an email to Andrew, our Administrator.
The Latest
Christmas Services at St Luke’s Mt Albert
All welcome to join us for these holy gatherings as we celebrate the birth of Christ in the midst of humanity – the story at the heart of Christmas. Our 5pm service on Christmas Eve is a very simple but delightful retelling of the nativity stories with carols, and is...
The Edge Kingsland @ St Luke’s
The Edge Kingsland community make their home at St Luke’s, and hold their worship and hospitality gathering every Sunday afternoon. In July they generously gave their time and energy to a planting working bee, along with lots of earth moving - so much appreciated!...
Matariki at St Luke’s
This year we celebrated Matariki with a special focus in our 9:30am Eucharist, then gathered on our new decking to bless close to 200 seedlings, many grown from our own site over the past 18 months. Once we’d had lunch (enjoying the sunshine and hospitality on our...
General Synod / Te Hīnota Whānui 2024
Our Vicar, Clare Barrie, was one of three clergy representatives for the Diocese of Auckland attending General Synod / Te Hīnota Whānui held in Hastings in May, along with Grace Cox who was one of four lay representatives. GSTHW is the governing body of our province,...
Blessing of Our New Building
On Easter Day we were very glad to have the Bishop of Auckland The Rt Rev’d Ross Bay with us to lead our worship and then bless our new building. While the building was not quite complete, our builders NeoBuild did an amazing job of finishing a section of decking and...
Holy Week & Easter at St Luke’s
These are some of the oldest festivals in the Christian faith and are very moving to be part of as we prepare for the celebration of Christ's resurrection at Easter. All welcome to join us.
Scaffolding Comes Down!
Another milestone was reached when the scaffolding that had surrounded our new building for many months was removed and the crisp form of the building was revealed at last. The week or so prior to this were very busy as the cladding had to be perfected before access...
Lent Working Bees 2024
This year we committed to holding Sunday working bees after church on the Sundays of Lent. These began with scraping down all the floorboards from our old robing room building, ready to be recycled as flooring in our new building - these were then stacked inside,...
Work Begins On Site!
We are very excited to be getting underway on site at last with our building project! One of the key conditions of our resource consent is a Heritage Construction Management Plan, which details the measures we need to take to protect the heritage aspects of our site...
Women’s Discussion Group Retreat
Members of our Women’s Discussion Group shared an overnight retreat in the beautiful setting of Vaughan Park in mid November. We shared in times of reflection and worship, spent time on our own, enjoyed Vaughan Park’s amazing catering, laughed, cried, and deepened our...
New St Luke’s Youth Group Launched
This month we launched our new Youth Group, for kids in Years 1-8. We’re meeting in the youth hall from 4-6pm on a fortnightly basis. We’re excited to have the leadership of Em Colgan, Richard Bonifant and Brent West; we share some tasty treats, play great games,...
150th Anniversary Celebrations
Image: Our current Vicar, The Rev’d Clare Barrie, with her predecessor The Rev’d Canon Howard Leigh We celebrated our 150th anniversary year with our patronal festival eucharist and a beautiful shared lunch. Our preacher was The Rev’d Sarah Moss from the Episcopal...
St Luke’s in Lockdown
Though we're suddenly in lockdown and unable to gather in person for worship, we're connecting in other ways. To be added to our email list, contact the Vicar, Clare, at Our Sunday worship on 22 and 29 August will be online only via Zoom at...
Holy Week & Easter Services
Come journey with us through the services of Holy Week as we prepare to celebrate Easter. It is incredibly powerful to engage with the story of Jesus' passion across Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, and then to bring the light of the resurrection into the darkened...
A New Deacon!
On Saturday 28 November, we were overjoyed to gather at the Cathedral amongst many others to pray for Andy as he was ordained to the diaconate. The Rev'd Andy Wallis is being licensed to us at St Luke's, and so joins our clergy team in a nonstipendiary capacity. We...
St Luke’s in Isolation
We can't gather for worship in this 'lockdown' season while we all shelter at home, but we're remaining connected and resourced as a faith community. We have a public Facebook page as well as a private Facebook group. We're also...
St Luke’s Closed – Covid-19
At the direction of the Bishops of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, St Luke's is currently closed for services. However we're still 'the church'! And we're finding new ways to support one another and our neighbours as we remain in our homes - including prayer for...
St Luke’s Parish Council
St Luke's is well served by a wonderful group of people who make up our Parish Council - early in December we gathered for an end of year dinner at The Garden Shed in Mt Eden. Lots of laughter and much to give thanks for! We look forward to sharing in another year in...
St Luke’s Day Celebration
On Sunday 20th October, we had Bishop Ross with us as we celebrated our patronal festival and had confirmations and renewals of faith for a number of our community. Bishop Ross explained the symbolism of his ministry as bishop to our kids - and most of our grown ups...
Social Services Sunday
On Sunday we were glad to worship together with our neighbours and partners in mission in Mt Albert, Mt Albert Methodist Church. We took up a special collection to raise funds for our joint service project, Beneficiaries Advice Mt Albert (BAMA). The Rev’d Amos...
Toi Māori Together
On the last Friday evening of each month, a group of us from St Luke’s Mt Albert and St Alban’s Balmoral are being hosted at St Chad’s Sandringham for an informal gathering to learn about Māori language, protocol, and culture, wonderfully led by The Rev’d Jacynthia...
Congratulations Kit & Hilary!
Our love and congratulations to two members of our parish community, Kit McMenamin and Hilary Johnston, who are now Kit & Hilary Willet! Standing in solidarity with queer friends who cannot yet be married in the Anglican church, they were married at a registry...
Sojourn in the USA
Our Vicar, Clare, is on sabbatical study leave for the rest of June and services will be covered by The Rev’d Richard Bonifant. Clare is studying at Sewanee, one of the Episcopalian seminaries, and is pictured here with fellow students in the Advanced Degrees...
Interfaith Vigil in Rocket Park
Like so many across Aotearoa NZ, the people of Mt Albert wanted to gather in prayer and solidarity with our local Muslim neighbours following the shootings in Christchurch on 15 March and St Luke’s was one of the local churches involved in planning this event. We were...