Abiding with Christ in our Community
As an Anglican faith community, we work to be a welcoming and inclusive community who celebrate our diversity as we care for and support one another. We value tradition and innovation in our worship and create opportunities for contemplation and creative expression of our faith. We engage in robust and thought-provoking discussion as we explore the integration of faith in daily life and we challenge ourselves to embody our faith in Christ through serving one another and our wider community. We’re part of the Diocese of Auckland, in the world wide Anglican Communion.
Worship at St Luke’s

Sunday 9:30am Eucharist
Our main community eucharist — this varies with the church seasons and is a contemporary expression of our Anglican liturgical tradition, followed by morning tea. Children are always welcome and involved.

Wednesday 11am Eucharist

‘Breathing Space’
Latest News
Christmas Services at St Luke’s Mt Albert
All welcome to join us for these holy gatherings as we celebrate the birth of Christ in the midst of humanity – the story at the heart of Christmas. Our 5pm service on Christmas Eve is a very simple but delightful retelling of the nativity stories with carols, and is...
The Edge Kingsland @ St Luke’s
The Edge Kingsland community make their home at St Luke’s, and hold their worship and hospitality gathering every Sunday afternoon. In July they generously gave their time and energy to a planting working bee, along with lots of earth moving - so much appreciated!...
Matariki at St Luke’s
This year we celebrated Matariki with a special focus in our 9:30am Eucharist, then gathered on our new decking to bless close to 200 seedlings, many grown from our own site over the past 18 months. Once we’d had lunch (enjoying the sunshine and hospitality on our...