by Clare Barrie | Dec 3, 2020 | Events, News
On Saturday 28 November, we were overjoyed to gather at the Cathedral amongst many others to pray for Andy as he was ordained to the diaconate. The Rev’d Andy Wallis is being licensed to us at St Luke’s, and so joins our clergy team in a nonstipendiary...
by Clare Barrie | Apr 2, 2020 | Events, News
We can’t gather for worship in this ‘lockdown’ season while we all shelter at home, but we’re remaining connected and resourced as a faith community. We have a public Facebook page as well as a private Facebook group. We’re also...
by Clare Barrie | Apr 2, 2020 | Events, News
At the direction of the Bishops of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, St Luke’s is currently closed for services. However we’re still ‘the church’! And we’re finding new ways to support one another and our neighbours as we remain in our...
by Clare Barrie | Dec 4, 2019 | Events, News
St Luke’s is well served by a wonderful group of people who make up our Parish Council – early in December we gathered for an end of year dinner at The Garden Shed in Mt Eden. Lots of laughter and much to give thanks for! We look forward to sharing in...
by stlukesac | Jul 26, 2019 | Events, News
On the last Friday evening of each month, a group of us from St Luke’s Mt Albert and St Alban’s Balmoral are being hosted at St Chad’s Sandringham for an informal gathering to learn about Māori language, protocol, and culture, wonderfully led by The Rev’d Jacynthia...
by stlukesac | Mar 21, 2019 | Events, News
Like so many across Aotearoa NZ, the people of Mt Albert wanted to gather in prayer and solidarity with our local Muslim neighbours following the shootings in Christchurch on 15 March and St Luke’s was one of the local churches involved in planning this event. We were...